Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book with you?

In order to book with me you must submit a request via the booking forum on my site during my book openings that happen bi-yearly. All custom design must be booked this way. My next books opening is March 15th at 9am 2024.


For pre-drawn designs from my flash or palm tattoos you may book anytime via the booking forum. This is the only exemption, all new clients wishing to start a project with me must wait until my books open.

How much are you?

I’m currently $150 per hour for custom tattoos. I require an $80 deposit to book, the deposit goes towards the price of your tattoo.

How do I get a quote for a tattoo?

Please submit all your information, including size, placement, and style. Along with any reference photos you have via the booking forum. While I’m not currently accepting new clients I will see this request and will be able to tell you if it is a project I would be interested in taking on and a rough estimate of cost. The more info you provide the more accurate my quote will be. Quote requests should be answered in 1-2 weeks.

Do I have to wait for your books to open every time I want a new tattoo?

The simple answer is no. My books opening are for new clients or clients who have not been tattooed by me recently. The whole point of my books opening and closing is to limit how far booked out I get. This helps me be able to focus on the clients I currently have and to provide a better experience and result.

In order to stay on my books and not have to wait for one of my bi-yearly openings you must book at your appointment. Basically you’ll go through the normal means to book an appointment with me via my booking forum, then once you come in for your appointment you’ll have the choice at the end of your tattoo to either roll your deposit to a new date and book another appointment or to use your deposit towards your tattoos cost and not book another appointment. If you choose not to book you will have to wait for a new booking period to open.

The only other way to book more than one appointment is for clients who are booking sleeves or other large scale pieces. In this instance you would request to book multiple appointments from the start so you have a guaranteed set of appointments to complete your tattoo project.